Our school was established in the year 2004 with P-Nursery & Nursery having 20 student's only. Now our school reached to the total strength of 650+ & classes from Nursery to Class-XII with 25:1 Student-Teacher ratio.We in school and you at home have a divine task of training our children with the power of love and reverence so that they are developed as successful citizens filled with human virtues of creativity, knowledge, tolerance, brotherhood, humility, patriotism, sensitivity to the environment, best moral values and a true sportsman in their capabilities.

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OP Jindal was a father figure for millions. Where other see walls, he saw doors of opportunities, not just for himself, but for the entire nation."

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Mr.Naveenji Jindal

"I hope to look back and say with satisfaction that I did not just dream of a great India, but that I worked hard to build the India of my dreams!

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Mrs.Shalluji Jindal

"Human beings are created by nature, but it is a school and the society that develop and shape them".

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Mr. S. S. Rathi is the Whole Time Director & Plant Head, is a dynamic leader and a distinct personality in JSPL Group.

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Mrs.Alka Godbole.

Mrs. Alka Godbole is the Principal of our school.

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